Friday, June 29, 2007

I May Be a Facebook Whore

I found a couple of my bosses on Facebook today and nearly added them. What the heck was I thinking? Even though I try to be careful what I put up and who can get to different parts of it, I don't really want to facilitate their combing through my profile because I never know what is going to be interpreted as an NCAA violation.

I also get the sense that's exactly why the bosses are on there.

Ummmmmmmmm...yeeeeeeah...I'm going to have to decline that friend request....

Little Man's all the friend I need!


Ann said...

Of course. Little Man's all the friend anyone needs! But most people don't know that.

Cherie said...

Little Man looks pretty big - and quite lovable - to me. :)

I keep hearing about this Facebook but have no clue what it is......will have to snoop it out.