Saturday, April 21, 2007


Can I get one of these signs for my door? Like, my apartment door?

I've lived in this apartment since May 2005, and I have had the same upstairs neighbor the entire time. He happens to be a football player at the University and is in a fraternity (albeit, I think, not an IFC organization). I have worked very hard since moving here to maintain civil relations with him.

Every time the guys come over at night to practice their step show above my head (I'm not making that up), I don't do anything about it unless I'm in finals, and even then I just go up and ask them to be quiet by eleven or midnight.

When the child was living with him last summer and dropping trash onto my bushes, front porch, and car I didn't turn him in to management but just gritted it out until the child had to go back to wherever he came from. That was especially difficult when the child had to sit out on Neighbor's front porch while he had relations with his girlfriend.

When the girlfriend was living up there and parking her big-ass Land Rover in front of my apartment, I patiently parked elsewhere and, again, didn't discuss the extra body/bodies with management.

When Neighbor flooded my apartment by breaking the floater off of his overflowing toilet thus destroying books and papers in my apartment and traumatizing the stupid cat for a week, I didn't present him with a bill for replacement of books or for drycleaning of some of my favorite non-machine washable garments (which I found in my bathtub trying to dry out). I didn't take him to small claims court either.

So last night's events might have come as something of a surprise to him.

Last night, I was studying general partnerships for an exam on Monday morning. I had to put the book down and go to bed at about eleven due to a piercing headache behind my right eye which was accompanied by dizzyness, so I'm just going to go ahead and call it a migraine. As I was lying in bed trying to meditate my headache away (because the Excedrin was just not working), a touch football game starts in the grass next to my apartment about, oh, say, midnight. Now, I'm willing to let them have an indoor party at midnight on a Friday night, but really. Add to that the fact that I woke up early that morning to the same sound, and I decided that my headache and I were going outside for a chat. One of the guys recognized me from the Study Hall and came by and asked if they were being too loud. I put in my request for quieter please, and in about fifteen minutes things had been taken care of.

Or so I thought.

Somewhere around two I was finally able to drift off (after taking something much stronger). Imagine my surprise to be waking up at four to the sounds of full blown party (as opposed to winding down party) with girls, music, drinks, and everything. Four. In the morning. Even on Fridays, four in the morning is just plain out of bounds. And the party is not just inside his apartment but out on his balconey and in the parking lot too. Hooray.

The Campus Police were only too pleased to oblige me.

I hope he's moving in May, because I think I've finally decided that Campus Police are going to become a prominant part of our neighborship.

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